Heather Crosby

Heather Crosby’s first book, YumUniverse, was covered by HGTV.com, Reader’s Digest, and NPR’s “It’s Your Health,” among others. She is a lover of plant-inspired foods, and the recipe developer and photographer of her popular website, YumUniverse.com (100,000+ monthly visitors). She also holds a certification from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. She lives in West Virginia.

Improvise Meals You Love—from What You Have!—Plant-Packed, Gluten-Free, Your Way!
by Heather Crosby
by Heather Crosby
Paperback | $24.95 US / $37.95 CAN
Heather Crosby loves a good recipe, but most of the time, she simply cooks pantry to plate. What’s that? It’s taking stock of what you have on hand and what you’re in the mood for—and then, well, improvising! For example: … Continue reading →