Nikola Sellmair

Nikola Sellmair graduated from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and has worked in Hong Kong, Washington, D.C., Israel, and Palestine. She has been a reporter in Hamburg at Germany’s Stern magazine since 2000. Her work has received many awards, including the German-Polish Journalist Award, for the first-ever article about Jennifer Teege’s singular story.

My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me
A Black Woman Discovers Her Family's Nazi Past
by Jennifer Teege, Nikola Sellmair
Hardcover | $24.95 US / $37.95 CAN

When Jennifer Teege, a German-Nigerian woman, happened to pluck a library book from the shelf, she had no idea that her life would be irrevocably altered. Recognizing photos of her mother and grandmother in the book, she discovers a horrifying … Continue reading

My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me
A Black Woman Discovers Her Family's Nazi Past
by Jennifer Teege, Nikola Sellmair
Paperback | $14.95 US / $19.95 CAN

At age 38, Jennifer Teege happened to pluck a library book from the shelf—and discovered a horrifying fact: Her grandfather was Amon Goeth, the vicious Nazi commandant depicted in Schindler’s List. Reviled as the “butcher of Płaszów,” Goeth was executed … Continue reading