Yael Bloch

Yael Bloch initially discovered yoga seeking relief from back pain. A former engineer, she began training as a yoga teacher in New York in 2001 and completed her training at the École Française de Yoga in Paris. She has three children and lives in Bucharest, where she teaches yoga and meditation classes. She is a regular contributor to the French yoga journal Les Carnets du Yoga.

Breathe Slower, Deeper, Better
Make Deep Breathing a Habit with Simple Yoga Exercises
by Yael Bloch
Paperback | $12.95 US / $16.95 CAN

You breathe over 21,000 times per day. But are you breathing well? In Breathe Slower, Deeper, Better, yoga instructor Yael Bloch helps you identify shallow, rushed, or misplaced breathing and shows you how to build better habits with simple exercises … Continue reading