Paul Hamburger

Paul Hamburger, originally from New York City, is a recent transplant to sunny Los Angeles, where he works as a creative director. Growing up in the streets of Brooklyn, Paul was an accomplished player of stoopball. As a Mets fan, he is bitter and resentful toward the relative success of other local baseball organizations. He lives in the past, nostalgic for the glory days of the mid‑eighties.

Baseball Field Guide
An In-Depth Illustrated Guide to the Complete Rules of Baseball
by Dan Formosa, Paul Hamburger
Paperback | $14.95 US / $19.95 CAN

Admit it: Even if you’re a diehard fan of our national pastime, sometimes an umpire’s call can be a little baffling. And for newer fans, Major League Baseball’s nuanced rules—developed and revised over decades—can be downright perplexing. Now updated throughout … Continue reading

Baseball Field Guide
Revised & Updated Fourth Edition
by Dan Formosa, Paul Hamburger
Paperback | $18.95 US / $24.95 CAN

Admit it: Even if you’re a die-hard fan of our national pastime, sometimes an umpire’s call can be baffling. And for newer fans, Major League Baseball’s nuanced rules—developed and revised over many decades—can be downright perplexing. Now updated throughout with … Continue reading