John Zubrzycki

John Zubrzycki is an Australian author with a PhD in Indian history from the University of New South Wales. A former foreign news editor with The Australian, he has worked as a correspondent in India and as a diplomat in New Delhi and Jakarta. He is the author of four books on India, most recently House of Jaipur: The Inside Story of India’s Most Glamorous Royal Family.

The Shortest History of India
From the World's Oldest Civilization to Its Largest Democracy—A Retelling for Our Times
by John Zubrzycki
Paperback | $16.95 US / $21.95 CAN

India—a cradle of civilization with five millennia of history, a country of immense consequence and contradiction—often defies ready understanding. What holds its people together—across its many cultures, races, languages, and creeds—and how has India evolved into the liberal democracy it … Continue reading