Chris Baréz-Brown is a renowned speaker and bestselling author in the world of creative thinking and well-being. He founded his consultancy, Upping Your Elvis, to challenge businesses to embed a dynamic creative culture within their company ethos. Brands such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Diageo, Unilever, Sony and WPP come back time and again for his unique, energetic, yet laid-back approach. Described as “a long-haired, twinkly-eyed cross between Richard Branson and a wizard” (Guardian), Chris is a master of transformation and brings out the potential in everybody. His work has been featured in media such as the Harvard Business Review, Fast Company and the BBC. Chris has a monthly column in GQ and lives in Dorset, England, with his family, a sea view, his beloved thirty-five-year-old Land Rover and a selection of paddleboards and guitars.

by Chris Baréz-Brown
You have an unlimited capacity to have fun, meet amazing people, and feel truly awake every single day. But do you? When you’re living on autopilot (and most people are—80 percent of the time), those opportunities pass you by. Snap … Continue reading →