In 2017, A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived published in North America, intertwining genetics and human history to answer the question of who we are and how we’re connected to one another. Now, best-selling author and geneticist Adam … Continue reading
Happy New Year! It is time to bring out your 2019 calendars and engage in the time-honored tradition of committing yourself to a New Year’s resolution diet. Along with the new year, you might be welcoming plain salads and unappetizing … Continue reading
December 8th is National Brownie Day! It is a time for brownie lovers and baked good enthusiasts across the country to come together, prepare their best batter, fire up their ovens and indulge in a delicious and one-of-a-kind treat! In … Continue reading
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we begin the season of indulging in all kinds of meals, desserts and, most importantly, drinks! Many of us can’t even begin to imagine how our Thanksgiving spread would look without our favorite wines, … Continue reading
For many vegans, breakfast can be the most problematic meal of the day as so much of the Standard American Diet (pancakes, omelets, even cereal and milk) are not plant-based. But maintaining a vegan diet should not stop anyone from … Continue reading
From GDP to cryptocurrency, AI in the workplace, to big data and megatrends, it seems that every day brings a new, complex economic occurrence that the average person can struggle to understand. Innovative ideas and advances in technology continue to … Continue reading
As fall approaches, we prepare to put away our swimsuits and grills and prepare for cooler temperatures and spend more time indoors. But not before one final cookout! If you still haven’t indulged in the delicious foods that a vegan barbecue has … Continue reading
Do you know where the most dangerous place in the world is? Just to be clear, let me establish right now that by dangerous, I mean “where you are most likely to die.” That’s probably a very reductive understanding of … Continue reading
The benefits of yoga are well-established. There are plenty of health benefits to practicing, plus, for many of us it’s one of the few times in a week we have space and quiet. Time to focus on ourselves—our breathing, the … Continue reading
At Ithaca College in upstate New York, every first year student is required to take a freshman writing seminar. If memory serves, there are no exceptions made. Most students bemoaned this requirement; the writing seminars were either too early in … Continue reading