The Healing Journal is Out Soon—Learn More with a Q&A from Author and Illustrator Emily Suñez

The Healing Journal is publishing soon! Overcome the emotional toll of chronic illness or invisible illness with 50 positive affirmations, writing prompts, and soothing illustrations inspired by nature in this gorgeous volume of guided journaling. It will help cultivate self-compassion, develop self-care strategies, advocate for yourself, and more. Check out our Q&A with Emily Suñez below! The Healing Journal will be available wherever books are sold.


Question: Where did the idea originate?
Emily Suñez: The Healing Journal evolved from my personal decade-long experience living with multiple invisible chronic illnesses, as well as my years of experience leading a chronic illness support group. Through my own experiences combined with conversations with others, I learned that there are many common issues that arise from chronic illness, such as interruptions to school/career, feelings of shame, or trouble communicating symptoms and needs to others. These issues are explored in the journal through the affirmations and writing prompts.

Q: How long did you work on the book?
ES: I worked on the book over the last two years. I developed all 50 affirmations and writing prompts on my own, but then had them reviewed by several people that also live with chronic illness, as well as trained therapists, to ensure the wording was broad enough to apply to different types of illnesses but specific enough to accurately address particular challenges posed by illness.

Q: Did you do the illustrations yourself?
ES: It was important to me to illustrate the book myself, as artmaking has been an important component of my own healing and illness management. I first picked up a paint brush as a tool for coping with my symptoms and since developed a passion for making art. The nature watercolor illustrations are intended to be soothing and calming to the reader and include a variety of healing plants.

Q: How does the book help readers meet the particular challenges posed by illness?
ES: Illness can often make people feel like they are out of control of their bodies. The Healing Journal offers ways to help the reader focus on the things they do have control over, such as lifestyle choices, mindset, and coping strategies. Utilizing the journal may help the reader in a variety of ways. They may identify patterns associated with their illness in order to better manage symptoms, develop a sense of empowerment about being their own health advocate, develop strategies to cope with negative emotions associated with their illness, recognize their own strength and resiliency, etc.

Q: Is there any new information in your book that has never been disclosed or that very few people know about?
ES: The act of journaling is good for your health! Studies show that writing honestly about personal struggles improves mental health, as well as physical health by boosting immunity.


Interview with Emily Suñez, author of The Healing Journal: Guided Prompts and Inspiration for Life with Illness (The Experiment, February 2022)

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