Think You’re Brainy Enough to Solve an Area Mazes Puzzle? Try One Now!

Originally invented for gifted students, area mazes (menseki meiro), have taken all of Japan by storm. Once you match wits with area mazes, you’ll be hooked! Your quest is to navigate a network of rectangles to find a missing value.

Think you’ve got what it takes to solve the below area maze?

Just Remember:

  • Area = length × width
  • Use spatial reasoning to find helpful relationships
  • Whole numbers are all you need. You can always get the answer without using fractions!

Click here to watch one puzzle being solved.

Solve away! And, to learn the solution for this puzzle, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Solution below!

You can find this puzzle and many more in The Original Area Mazes! And be sure to check out the rest of the series, including The Original Area Mazes, Volume 2 and Amazing Area Mazes for kids, available in October!


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