Sophie la girafe was born in France on May 25, 1961. An undisputed star from the start, Sophie first made her way to America several decades ago, and has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years. The more than 30 million people worldwide who have purchased the teething toy help to make Sophie the most recognizable and beloved giraffe on earth.

A child’s first years are a time to cherish, but they often fly by in a haze of diaper changes and play dates. My Book of Firsts with Sophie la girafe captures more than 85 of baby’s important milestones—and continues … Continue reading →

by Sophie la girafe
Your bundle of joy is here, and you have a thousand things on your mind. This adorable hour-by-hour log will help you stay organized—with columns for breast and bottle feedings, diaper changes, and sleep, plus your own special notes! See … Continue reading →

A newborn’s first few months of life are filled with wonder, both for baby and for the lucky parents. Of course, new parents want to remember everything—from those tiny hands and feet and that first smile to baby’s first steps. … Continue reading →

by Sophie la girafe
This charming journal, featuring the one and only Sophie la girafe®, is ready to be filled with your thoughts, feelings, and “firsts” during this unforgettable time. Inside, you’ll find: abundant space for photographs a pocket to hold your predictions about … Continue reading →

by Sophie la girafe
Parenting is a joyous whirlwind, with milestone moments happening everywhere you look. From the first time holding your baby in your arms to the day you bring them home, you won’t want to miss a second of Baby’s life. A … Continue reading →