Tristan Gooley is the New York Times–bestselling author of How to Read a Tree, How to Read Water, How to Read Nature, The Natural Navigator, The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs, The Secret World of Weather, and The Nature Instinct. He has led expeditions on five continents, climbed mountains in three, and is the only living person to have both flown and sailed solo across the Atlantic. His more than two decades of pioneering outdoor experience include research among tribal peoples in some of the remotest regions on Earth.

by Tristan Gooley
When writer and navigator Tristan Gooley journeys outside, he sees a natural world filled with clues. The roots of a tree indicate the sun’s direction; the Big Dipper tells the time; a passing butterfly hints at the weather; a sand … Continue reading →

by Tristan Gooley
In his eye-opening books The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs and The Natural Navigator, Tristan Gooley helped readers reconnect with nature by finding direction from the trees, stars, clouds, and more. Now, he turns his attention to our most … Continue reading →

by Tristan Gooley
When most of us go for a walk, a single sense—sight—tends to dominate our experience. But when New York Times–bestselling author and expert navigator Tristan Gooley goes for a walk, he uses all five senses to “read” everything nature has … Continue reading →

by Tristan Gooley
Readers of master outdoorsman Tristan Gooley have learned that the world is filled with clues to look for—we can use the Big Dipper to tell time, for example, and a budding flower to find south. But what about the innate … Continue reading →

by Tristan Gooley
Master outdoorsman Tristan Gooley was just about to make camp when he sensed danger—but couldn’t say why. After sheltering elsewhere, Gooley returned to investigate: What had set off his subconscious alarm? Suddenly, he understood: All of the tree trunks were … Continue reading →

by Tristan Gooley
Before GPS, before the compass, and even before cartography, humankind was navigating. A windswept tree, the depth of a puddle, or a trill of birdsong could point the way home, and they still do—if you know how to look. With … Continue reading →

by Tristan Gooley
Clocks, compasses, GPS, and Google can only get us so far. In this special collection, lifelong wanderer and New York Times–bestselling author Tristian Gooley walks us through, book-by-book, the near-forgotten art of examining nature’s signs and patterns. Gooley begins to … Continue reading →

by Tristan Gooley
In this eye-opening trove of outdoor clues, acclaimed natural navigator Tristan Gooley shows us how, by “reading” nature as he does, you’ll not only detect what the weather is doing (and predict what’s coming), you’ll enter a secret wonderland of sights … Continue reading →

by Tristan Gooley
Trees are keen to tell us so much. They’ll tell us about the land, the water, the people, the animals, the weather, and time. And they will tell us about their lives, the good bits and bad. Trees tell a … Continue reading →

by Tristan Gooley
Everybody notices the flowers of spring, longer days of summer, and colors of autumn. Very few notice the hundreds of changes that hide behind these annual events. The sun, moon, stars, plants, fungi, animals, water, and weather all reflect seasonal … Continue reading →