Sue Shepherd, PhD, is coauthor of The Complete Low-FODMAP Diet and author of The Low-FODMAP Diet Cookbook and The 2-Step Low-FODMAP Eating Plan. She is the director of Shepherd Works, Australia’s premier private dietetic practice specializing in dietary conditions. A dietitian and senior lecturer at La Trobe University (Melbourne), Dr. Shepherd is an invited speaker at national and international medical conferences and has authored over 20 medical journal papers. She is also the consultant dietitian for the Medical Advisory Committee to Coeliac Australia and is a Fellow of the Rome Foundation. She herself has celiac disease.

by Sue Shepherd, Peter Gibson
“What can I do to feel better?” For years, millions of adults who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have asked this question, often to be met with scientifically unfounded or inadequate advice. The low-FODMAP diet is the long-awaited answer. … Continue reading →

by Sue Shepherd
The low-FODMAP diet is changing lives. If you suffer from the pain and discomfort of a digestive condition such as IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or nonresponsive celiac disease, it just might change yours. The Complete Low-FODMAP Diet (cowritten by … Continue reading →

by Sue Shepherd
If you suffer from a digestive disorder, you’re likely familiar with a long list of unknowns: I don’t look sick, so what’s wrong with me? What can I do to feel better? What foods exactly are causing me discomfort? Now, … Continue reading →