Stephanie Bogdanich

Stephanie Bogdanich blogs about vegan recipes, restaurant reviews, and Austin happenings at She enjoys whiling away her time in hammocks, especially in tropical locales, and although she loves breakfast tacos, she sometimes sleeps too late to get them.

The Tortilla-Based Diet Proven to Change Your Life
by Wes Allison, Stephanie Bogdanich, Molly Frisinger, Jessica Morris
by Wes Allison, Stephanie Bogdanich, Molly Frisinger, Jessica Morris
Paperback | $17.95 US / $20.95 CAN
Tired of the same old cleanse? Instead of feeling rejuvenated are you feeling depleted, anxious, and cranky? (Not to mention . . . hungry?) A group of vegan taco scientists in Austin, Texas, know just how you feel, and now … Continue reading →