Silvana Condemi, a world-leading paleoanthropologist, is the research director of CNRS, the largest French public scientific research organization, at Aix-Marseille University. She is the co-author of A Pocket History of Human Evolution and The Secret World of Denisovans.

by Silvana Condemi, François Savatier
Prehistory has never been more exciting: New discoveries are overturning long-held theories left and right. Stone tools in Australia date back 65,000 years—a time when, we once thought, the first Sapiens had barely left Africa. DNA sequencing has unearthed a … Continue reading →

by Silvana Condemi, François Savatier
In December 2010, scientists discovered a fragment of a finger bone in an isolated cave in Siberia. To their surprise, the bone contained neither Homo sapiens nor Neanderthal DNA. The DNA came from a previously unknown species of hominids—the Denisovans—who shared a common ancestor … Continue reading →