Rob Eastaway has authored and coauthored several bestselling books that connect math with everyday life, including Why Do Buses Come in Threes? and How Many Socks Make a Pair? He is the director of Maths Inspiration, an interactive lecture program that has reached over 250,000 teenagers in England the last twenty years.

by Mike Askew, Rob Eastaway
So much for the “good old days” when elementary students simply memorized their times tables and struggled through long division. Today, students are expected not just to find the right answer, but also to choose the best method for doing … Continue reading →

by Rob Eastaway
Shakespeare’s era was abuzz with mathematical progress, from the new concept of “zero” to Galileo’s redraft of the heavens. Now, Rob Eastaway uncovers the many surprising ways math shaped Shakespeare’s plays—and his world—touring astronomy, code-breaking, color theory, navigation, music, sports, … Continue reading →