Reuben Proctor

Reuben Proctor, a vegan for almost 15 years, has done translation, consulting, and administrative work for vegan companies and animal rights organizations since 2004. He was born in New Zealand and now lives and works in Germany.

A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying and Avoiding Ingredients of Animal Origin in Everyday Products
by Reuben Proctor, Lars Thomsen
by Reuben Proctor, Lars Thomsen
Paperback | $15.95 US / $23.95 CAN
veganissimo \ve-gan-iss-i-mo\1. n : one who is vegan to the highest possible standard 2. adj : the most vegan Substances obtained from animals are used everywhere—in food and other goods, in the production of food and goods, and (due to … Continue reading →