Raffael Jovine

Raffael Jovine trained in molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale, did his PhD in marine sciences at UC Santa Barbara, and completed research at MIT. In 2013, he founded and is now chief scientist for a company that uses seawater, sunlight, and wind to grow food in coastal deserts, replicating algal blooms. He is married with five children and lives in London.

The Hidden Wonders and World-Saving Powers of Photosynthesis
by Raffael Jovine
by Raffael Jovine
Paperback | $14.95 US / $19.95 CAN
It’s a clunky word for a miracle: Photosynthesis. But there’s no life on Earth without it. For biologist Raffael Jovine, it’s a consuming passion, a great unsung force of nature. He makes his case in How Light Makes Life, a … Continue reading →