Patti Breitman is the director of the Marin Vegetarian Education Group and a cofounder of Dharma Voices for Animals. She is the coauthor, with Connie Hatch, of How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty and, with Carol J. Adams, of How to Eat Like a Vegetarian Even If You Never Want to Be One. Patti is on the advisory council of the Animals and Society Institute and grows vegetables in her community garden. She teaches seasonal vegan cooking classes in Marin County, California, where she lives.

by Carol J. Adams, Patti Breitman, Virginia Messina
If you’re 50 or over and thinking (or already committed to!) a vegan diet and lifestyle that will benefit your health, animals, and the planet, look no further than this essential all-in-one resource. Authors Carol J. Adams, Patti Breitman, and … Continue reading →