Molly McDonald Peterson has been a professional photographer for more than ten years, from the mountains of Aspen to the Virginia Piedmont. As the former director of photography for two regional food publications that celebrate local and sustainable food and farmers, she was a two-time finalist for the American Society of Magazine Editors’ annual “Best Cover” award. Molly is known for her food and farm shoots, and has contributed to multiple cookbooks, which she finds amusing since she used to think pancakes came from a box. She lives with her husband Mike, a chef-turned-farmer, in Sperryville, Virginia, where they raise pasture-based livestock on nearly 600 acres of leased land at Heritage Hollow Farms.

by Forrest Pritchard, Molly M. Peterson
When Forrest Pritchard went looking for the unsung heroes of local, sustainable food, he found them at 18 exceptional farms all over the country. In Detroit, Aba Ifeoma of D-Town Farm dreams of replenishing the local “food desert” with organic … Continue reading →