Meta Chaya Hirschl

Meta Chaya Hirschl took her first yoga class in 1978. Years later, after working in business, teaching in academia, and writing software manuals, she was drawn back to yoga after developing severe asthma. Her passion for yoga eventually led her to open a studio and later establish the YogaNow Teacher Training Apprentice Program, a nationally accredited curriculum incorporating a variety of traditions and styles. She teaches and lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

A Sourcebook for Students and Teachers
by Meta Chaya Hirschl
by Meta Chaya Hirschl
Ebook | $19.99 US / $24.99 CAN
As any yoga student or teacher knows, there’s more to yoga than Downward Dog. Meta Chaya Hirschl’s immersive guide offers a complete vision of yoga, from its historical and spiritual roots to modern practice. Whether you are a novice yogi … Continue reading →