Melanie Potock, MA, CCC-SLP, is an international speaker on the topic of picky eating and feeding disorders in children. Melanie has coached over a thousand parents on how to raise healthy, happy eaters right from the start and has over twenty years of clinical experience helping children with pediatric feeding disorders. She is the co-author of the award-winning Raising a Healthy, Happy Eater and author of Adventures in Veggieland and Responsive Feeding. Melanie’s advice has been shared in a variety of television and print media, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, CNN.com, and Parents Magazine. She lives in Colorado.

by Melanie Potock
When should I start my baby on solids? Should I offer purees— or try baby-led weaning? What if my toddler rejects new foods? Feeding therapist Melanie Potock has answers to all in Responsive Feeding. The secret? Tune in to your … Continue reading →

by Nimali Fernando, Melanie Potock
Pediatrician Nimali Fernando and feeding therapist Melanie Potock (aka Dr. Yum and Coach Mel) know the importance of giving your child the right start on their food journey—for good health, motor skills, and even cognitive and emotional development. In this … Continue reading →

by Melanie Potock
So long to scary vegetables; hello to friendly new textures, colors, and flavors! Here is a foolproof plan for getting your kids to love their vegetables. Just follow the “Three E’s”: Expose your child to new vegetables with sensory, hands–on, … Continue reading →