Mary Ellen Hannibal

Mary Ellen Hannibal’s work has appeared in The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Esquire, and Elle, among many other outlets.

Searching for Heroes and Hope in an Age of Extinction
by Mary Ellen Hannibal
by Mary Ellen Hannibal
Hardcover | $25.95 US / $38.95 CAN
Here is a wide-ranging adventure in becoming a citizen scientist by an award-winning writer and environmental thought leader. As Mary Ellen Hannibal wades into tide pools, follows hawks, and scours mountains to collect data on threatened species, she discovers the … Continue reading →

Searching for Heroes and Hope in an Age of Extinction
by Mary Ellen Hannibal
by Mary Ellen Hannibal
Paperback | $17.95 US / $23.50 CAN
Award-winning writer Mary Ellen Hannibal has long reported on scientists’ efforts to protect vanishing species, but it was only through citizen science that she found she could take action herself. As she wades into tide pools, spots hawks, and scours … Continue reading →