Linda Jaivin
Linda Jaivin is an American-born, internationally published Australian essayist, novelist, translator, and specialist writer on China. Her books include The Monkey and the Dragon, the city profile Beijing, and several China-based novels. Her essays have appeared in a wide range of publications in Australia and beyond. She has previously lived, studied, and worked in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Beijing.
The Shortest History of China
From the Ancient Dynasties to a Modern Superpower—A Retelling for Our Times
by Linda Jaivin
by Linda Jaivin
Paperback | $16.95 US / $21.95 CAN
As we enter the “Asian century,” China demands our attention for being an economic powerhouse, a beacon of rapid modernization, and an assertive geopolitical player. To understand the nation behind the headlines, we must take in its vibrant, tumultuous past—a … Continue reading →