Kim Long is the creator of the award-winning Moon Calendar. Between 1984 and 2006, his American Forecaster Almanac was published in twenty-two annual editions. He is the author or coauthor of many other books, including The Moon Book. He lives in Denver, Colorado.

by Kim Long
Tarjeta de referencia resistente y práctica de 10 x 6.75 pulgadas Al frente: calendario lunar con imágenes realistas de la Luna Al dorso: fechas y horas de cada cambio de fase, eclipse, apogeo y perigeo 5 copias que puede guardar … Continue reading →

by Kim Long
This is the forty-third edition of Kim Long’s classic Moon Calendar, the first of its kind and a fan favorite since 1982. With a graphic, at-a-glance 2025 lunar calendar on the front and easy-to-read, detailed data provided by the US … Continue reading →

by Kim Long
This is the forty-third edition of Kim Long’s classic Moon Calendar, the first of its kind and a fan favorite since 1982. With a graphic, at-a-glance 2025 lunar calendar on the front and easy-to-read, detailed data provided by the US … Continue reading →

by Kim Long
This is the 44th edition of Kim Long’s classic Moon Calendar, the first of its kind and a fan favorite since 1982. With a graphic, at-a-glance 2026 lunar calendar on the front and easy-to-read, detailed data provided by the US … Continue reading →

by Kim Long
This is the 44th edition of Kim Long’s classic Moon Calendar, the first of its kind and a fan favorite since 1982. With a graphic, at-a-glance 2026 lunar calendar on the front and easy-to-read, detailed data provided by the US … Continue reading →