Frances Edmonds
In “deep middle age,” Frances Edmonds swapped the comfort and security of her London life for a year in California, as a fellow at Stanford’s Distinguished Careers Institute, where she researched longevity and related issues at the Center on Longevity. An award-winning speaker and bestselling author, Edmonds divides her time between London and the South of France.
Repotting Your Life
Sense When You’re Stuck. Explore What’s Possible. Claim Room to Grow.
by Frances Edmonds
by Frances Edmonds
Hardcover | $19.95 US / $25.95 CAN
What ails a rootbound plant isn’t the plant—it’s the pot. Move it to a roomy new pot, and soon enough, you’ll see beautiful, fresh foliage and blooms. Repotting Your Life brings this same wisdom to your career, relationships, and goals—and … Continue reading →