Dario Bressanini

Dario Bressanini, PhD, is a chemist, science communicator, and YouTuber. He is a professor at the Department of Science and High Technology of the University of Insubria in Como, Italy, where he teaches and conducts research. In his home country, Bressanini has a large social media following and has published several bestselling books about the science of everyday things. He also writes monthly articles about chemistry in the kitchen for the Italian edition of Scientific American (Le Scienze).

Use the Power of Chemistry to Clean Smarter, Easier, and Safer—With Solutions for Every Kind of Dirt
by Dario Bressanini
by Dario Bressanini
Flexibind | $24.95 US / $32.95 CAN
Countless cleaning hacks for every kind of household dirt may vie for our attention, but how do we know which ones really work and which ones will only leave you with a sticky mess that doesn’t actually do the job? … Continue reading →