Christiane Wolf, MD, PhD is a physician turned mindfulness and compassion teacher and a senior teacher at InsightLA (InsightLA.org) in Los Angeles, California. She trains teachers and teaches Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindful Self-Compassion to groups and individuals in the US and across Europe. With her medical background, one of her specialties is working with people who suffer from chronic illness and pain. Dr. Wolf is a lead teacher and program developer for the nationwide mindfulness facilitator training for the US veterans Administration.
Dr. Wolf is also a Buddhist teacher in the vipassana (Insight) meditation tradition and has received teacher transmission from Trudy Goodman and Jack Kornfield. She is the coauthor, with Greg Serpa, of A Clinician’s Guide to Teaching Mindfulness. Dr. Wolf lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their three children.

by Christiane Wolf, Daniel J. Siegel
Pain can be a big, unwieldy box that we struggle to carry all day. But what if we could put down this box, unpack it, and tackle the contents one by one? Outsmart Your Pain is Dr. Christiane Wolf’s radically clear, evidence-based … Continue reading →