Benjamin von Brackel

Benjamin von Brackel is a renowned environmental journalist whose reporting on climate change has appeared in Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, and Natur. He is the cofounder of Klimareporter°, an Environmental Media Prize-winning online magazine dedicated to the climate emergency, and coauthor of Angry Weather: Heat Waves, Floods, Storms, and the New Science of Climate Change. He is based in Berlin, Germany.

How Climate Change Is Driving Species to the Ends of the Earth
by Benjamin von Brackel
by Benjamin von Brackel
Hardcover | $26.95 US / $34.95 CAN
As humans accelerate global warming while laying waste to the environment, animals and plants must flee to the margins: on scattered nature reserves, between major highways, or among urban sprawl. And when even these places become too hot and inhospitable, … Continue reading →