Andrew Ford
Andrew Ford is a composer, writer, and broadcaster who has won awards in each of those capacities. In 2014 he was a Poynter Fellow and visiting composer at Yale University, in 2015 visiting lecturer at the Shanghai Conservatory, and in 2018 HC Coombs Creative Arts Fellow at the Australian National University. Ford has written widely on all manner of music, published ten previous books, and has written, presented, and coproduced many radio series, mainly for Australia’s national radio.

From Bone Flutes to Synthesizers, Hildegard of Bingen to Beyoncé—5,000 Years of Instrument and Song
by Andrew Ford
by Andrew Ford
Paperback | $16.95 US / $21.95 CAN
No other art is as popular—or pervasive—as music. With just a few clicks, anyone can cue up (and critique) Chopin or Cher, The Bangles or The Beatles—even the brand-new Beyoncé. But things weren’t always this way. In this brisk, breakneck … Continue reading →