With stunning infographics on every page, this riveting visual guide reveals the mind-bending marvels of nature’s timescales both large and minuscule
“This work broadens our perception of time by looking at it through natural cycles . . . . The visuals seamlessly enhance the text, making for an impactful learning experience.”—Booklist starred review
Take a visual journey of discovery through the animal and plant kingdoms—and uncover the extraordinary rhythms of nature! Here are the answers to all kinds of curious questions, including:
- How long do eggs take to hatch?
- Do dogs really need more sleep than humans?
- What are the world’s fastest- and slowest-growing plants?
- And many more!
These infographics shed light on the truly remarkable range of the natural world—how plants and animals grow and age, sleep and migrate, and reproduce and die. Spanning ideas both big and small—from evolution to animal behavior—The Time Nature Keeps is a visual trove of nature’s clocks that brings the world’s cadences to life before our eyes.
“This vibrant time machine of a book carries us from eon to eyeblink.”—Marianne Taylor, author of How Birds Work
“The Time Nature Keeps is a book that opens its reader’s eyes to the elegance of the natural world. The hidden rhythms behind the countless creatures that inhabit the globe are staggering. . . . Each page in this wonderful book has something of interest on it. . . . Fascinating, perfect for teenagers and adults who are interested in the natural world, but with help, younger readers will also find lots of things to hold their attention.”—GeekDad