The ultimate running guide: A revolutionary fitness program that targets every component of a well-rounded running body and mind
Whether you’re a miler or an ultramarathoner, if you want a fit, fast, and injury-resistant running body, there’s a better way to train than relentlessly pursuing mileage. This easy-to-use workout manual draws on the latest research in running physiology to target all the components that go into every stride—including muscles, connective tissue, cardiovascular fitness, energy production, the nervous system, hormones, and the brain. With the breakthrough whole-body training program in Build Your Running Body, runners will improve their times, run longer and more comfortably, and reduce injury.
With more than 150 workouts—from weightlifting and cross-training to resistance exercises and plyometrics—fine-tuned to individual skill levels and performance goals, PLUS:
- 393 photos that make it easy to follow every step of every workout
- 10 training programs to help runners of all levels integrate the total-body plan into their daily routines
- Interviews with leading runners, exercise scientists, and coaches—learn how elite runners train today
- Race strategy for the crucial weeks leading up to the competition and through to the finish line
- Exercises to prevent injury and rehabilitate common running ailments
- Seasoned insight on barefoot running, the pros and cons of stretching, and other hot-button topics
- Nutrition guidance on carbs, proteins, fats, and weight loss
- More than 30 recipes to speed recovery and cement fitness gains
- Beginners’ guidelines every step of the way
- Valuable tips on proper apparel, tracking your progress, and more!
“With over 300 photos to illustrate everything from strides to strength programs, the authors clearly and concisely give readers helpful advice to improve their practice. Runners of all levels will appreciate the book’s breadth and encouraging tone . . . This is an informative, friendly guide that all runners can grow with and will likely return to over time.”
—Publishers Weekly, starred review
“This is so good. Honestly, I think this is the best running book ever.”
—Bob Anderson, founder of Runner’s World and of the Double Road Race 15K Challenge and the Double Training Program
“Build Your Running Body represents something new and needed in sports literature. This is the ‘right stuff’ for runners who want to get faster, enjoy running more, and stay injury-free for a lifetime.”
—Bill Rodgers, four-time winner of both the New York City and Boston marathons
“At last, a running book that shows us how to enjoy running all through life, and that’s as interesting as the sport we love so much.”
—Kathrine Switzer, first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon and author of Marathon Woman
“Build Your Running Body is the most useful, info-packed, and comprehensive training manual I’ve ever read. Coaches will find it invaluable, and runners of all levels will use it as a complete guide to reaching their goals.”
—Amby Burfoot, 1968 Boston Marathon winner and Runner’s World editor-at-large
“I wish I’d had an encyclopedia on running like Build Your Running Body long ago. It’s comprehensive—filled with relevant and valuable guidance—and articulated in a way that even the most novice runner can understand.”
—Jacqueline Hansen, two-time world-record holder for the women’s marathon, Boston Marathon winner, and first woman to run a sub-2:40 marathon
“A wonderful combination of running science with real-world wisdom for modern runners. When Pete Magill talks, smart runners listen.”
—Scott Douglas, Runner’s World senior content editor
“Coach Tom Schwartz possesses an understanding of training and racing that is world class. Utilizing an unconventional approach to training, Tom crafted a program that improved my endurance, my long-term development, and, most importantly, my confidence. Tom made me a champion.”
—Kevin Miller, multiple times USA masters age-group and age-graded national champion
“Build Your Running Body is nothing short of the Unified Theory of Running. Packed with delightfully fun-to-read advice and asides, it squeezes a century of technical research and coaching wisdom into a book of bite-sized lessons. Techniques and training, energy systems and recipes, race strategy and injury prevention—this book covers it all.”
—Ken Stone, founder and editor of MastersTrack.com
“Pete Magill must have found the fountain of youth. I coach college students, and he consistently outruns half my team! He must know something the rest of us don’t!”
—Steve Scott, former American record-holder in the mile (3:47.69), 3-time Olympian, 10 times ranked #1 American miler, and world record-holder for most sub–4 minute miles (136)
“You will not want to put Build Your Running Body down. It’s OK to miss a training day to learn from Pete Magill’s knowledge and experience—runners of all ages and abilities will be smarter just by getting this book in their hands. It’s filled with good, honest common sense gained from years of experience and results.”
—Rod Dixon, winner of the 1983 New York City Marathon, Olympic Medalist, two-time World Cross Country Championship Medalist, and founder of KiDSMARATHON
“Build Your Running Body masterfully breaks down the essentials of running-specific training and will help bring you to the starting line of your next race happier, healthier, and faster than ever! Pete Magill is a master, and that’s not just an age group designation! The wealth of knowledge in this book is truly remarkable—it shares much of what has allowed Pete to continue to thrive as an athlete and has something to teach every aspiring runner out there. It’s truly a must have!”
—Will Leer, 2013 USA Champion, Indoor Mile & Indoor 3000 Meters