In this deluxe set, the New York Times–bestselling author of How to Read a Tree and The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs makes us apprentices in the forgotten art of examining nature’s patterns
Clocks, compasses, GPS, and Google can only get us so far. In this special collection, lifelong wanderer and New York Times–bestselling author Tristian Gooley walks us through, book-by-book, the near-forgotten art of examining nature’s signs and patterns. Gooley begins to teach the singular way he senses signs in the wild that most people overlook in How to Read Nature. In The Natural Navigator, he shows how to find our way by the stars, rivers, clouds, and more. And New York Times bestseller How to Read Water is Gooley’s deep dive into everything from puddles to the sea, teaching navigators at any experience level to hear the whispers of water. Also included: a waterproof pocket field notebook to kick-start your own adventures!
This comprehensive set includes:
- How to Read Nature
- How to Read Water
- The Natural Navigator 10th Anniversary Edition
- Bonus waterproof pocket field notebook
Praise for Tristan Gooley
“Gooley interprets clues like a private investigator of the wilds, leaving no stone unturned . . . For those inclined to solve mysteries written into the landscape, this author’s lead is one they’ll want to follow.”—The Wall Street Journal
“[Gooley] has become the global expert on natural navigation, finding his way around the world using nothing but natural clues and pointers. His discovery (made on a sailing expedition to Iceland)—that if, when at sea, you see more than 10 birds in any given five-minute window, this means you are within 40 miles of land—has become part of the British military’s survival guidance.”—Daily Beast
“Gooley is your man. . . . With unflappable practicality, he shares simple ways to understand your surroundings, whether you’re beside a stream or on the open sea at night, without instruments.”—Discover
“While Gooley’s tips encompass useful, practical ways to predict a change in weather, determine when a predator may be prowling and find true North at night, his true gift is in igniting curiosity and wonder about the world around us.”—Shelf Awareness
“Avid and budding outdoorspeople will appreciate Gooley’s breadth of knowledge and accessible approach.”—Publishers Weekly
“Gooley, who has single-handedly been reviving natural navigation in this age of GPS, has the birdwatching skills of Bill Oddie and the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes. He can make you feel that you’ve spent half your life walking about with your eyes only half-open.”—Telegraph
“Most of us have lost our way in nature at one time or another. . . . Gooley can lead you back to nature if you’re willing to invest the time.”—National Parks Traveler
“Gooley’s calm, contemplative authority on matters solar, lunar, and celestial establishes his guru credentials—but it’s his revelations about the clues that lie scattered about the natural environment that really entrance: how puddles drying on paths, the shapes of sand dunes, the graininess of scree on the lee of a slope can all be enlisted to summon compass points to your horizon.”—Chris Born, Time Out London