Wouldn’t you do more healthy cooking at home—if you only had the time?
It can be tough to put dinner on the table without falling back on packaged, processed foods. But for Melissa King, watching her two young daughters struggle with health issues was tougher. She switched her family to a whole foods, plant-based diet—and it made all the difference.
Today, Melissa is a master at crafting flavor-packed, no-stress recipes that are Easy. Whole. Vegan. (Plus, they’re gluten-free!) Here are her top 100 meals, snacks, desserts, and more—ingeniously organized by need to help busy families find the right one:
- QUICK: Make Sweet Potato Pancakes or Avocado & Chickpea Stuffed Cucumbers in 30 minutes or less
- EASY: Multitask effortlessly with slow-cooker dishes like Chili Mac & Cheese
- MAKE-AHEAD: Prep Lentil Shepherd’s Pie when you do have time, and freeze it for later (Melissa explains exactly how!)
- Plus, ENTERTAIN with White Bean & Zucchini Burgers, MAKE IT YUMMY with wholesome condiments like Hidden Veggies Tomato Sauce, and hydrate for health with PICK-ME-UPS like Beet, Orange & Ginger Juice or a Tropical Green Smoothie.
You do have time to cook whole, vegan food at home—once a week, or all the time. It’s easy!
“Say so long to packaged and processed foods for good with these easy-to-make and very delicious recipes.”—Today.com “When people adopt a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, they often find they miss those dishes they enjoyed in their processed foods and meat eating days. . . . Then along comes a cookbook like Easy. Whole. Vegan. by Melissa King, and everything changes. Recipes become easier and dishes tastier. Ingredients are easy to get, and dishes are fun to make. . . . Vegans and vegetarians will swoon.”—Booklist “A nice selection of everyday recipes for those who can’t eat dairy or gluten and are interested in ingredients such as chia and flax seeds, coconut oil, and hemp hearts.”—Library Journal “The insistence on whole foods distinguishes the book, a nice change from the reliance on packaged and processed found in others mining a similar vein.”—Publishers Weekly “Melissa King’s recipes in Easy. Whole. Vegan. are deliciously crafted, easy to prepare, and a delight to dig into. Get ready to experience some healthy, whole foods magic!”—Dreena Burton, author of Plant-Powered Families
“Easy. Whole. Vegan. offers a fantastic variety of healthy and easy-to-make recipes that both vegans and non-vegans will love. You'll want to bookmark every page!”
—Katie Higgins, author and founder of Chocolate-Covered Katie
“First she did it with nut milks and nut butters. Now, vegan genius Melissa King once again proves how easy it is to kick processed foods to the curb. Easy. Whole. Vegan. serves up no-fuss meals, snacks, and treats for the entire family!”
—Ivy Larson, author of Clean Cuisine
“Melissa King has again created simple, affordable, and original whole-food recipes that make the transition from the SAD diet to whole foods easy and exciting. From indulgent and nostalgic Creamy Mushroom Risotto and Chocolate Espresso Pudding to refreshing dishes like Energizing Green Juice, Strawberry Salsa, and Creamy Orange Pops, Easy. Whole. Vegan. is a wonderful resource for a variety of plant-based recipes. This collection takes the intimidation and complication out of healthy cooking and highlights seasonal produce and other nutrient-packed foods!”
—Ashley Cox, vegan chef and creator of thenakedfoodlife.com