An essential new resource for those who want to reduce their “animal footprint”
veganissimo \ve-gan-iss-i-mo\
1. n : one who is vegan to the highest possible standard
2. adj : the most vegan
Substances obtained from animals are used everywhere—in food and other goods, in the production of food and goods, and (due to advances in biotech and genetic engineering) even in places they’ve never appeared before.
Whether you already strive for a 100 percent vegan lifestyle or just want to know what exactly is in the products you buy, this peerless, portable guide puts the power of knowledge at your fingertips. The product of years of exhaustive research by vegan authors Reuben Proctor and Lars Thomsen, Veganissimo A to Z cuts through the vague and often misleading language on labels to reveal the sources, production and uses of over 2,500 ingredients, with:
- Detailed A-to-Z entries on animal, vegetable, mineral, synthetic and microbiological substances—and color-coded icons that distinguish them at a glance
- Information on animal-derived ingredients that lurk in food and other products—such as diet supplements, medicine, cosmetics, cleaning products, clothes, sporting goods, art supplies and electronics
- And guidance on how to interpret label claims and seek more information.
With this accessible reference, you’ll have all the information you need to make conscious decisions about a wide range of products and their ingredients.
“Complete with introductory comments about the scope of the work, a section on the nuances of product labeling, vegan alternatives, and glossary, this is an invaluable guide for vegans who are attempting to become veganissimo: vegan to the highest possible standard.”
—Library Journal
“Since voting with our dollars is indeed the easiest way we can each directly impact suppliers, I see Veganissimo A to Z as a way to further arm each of us with the knowledge we need to live our lives in harmony with our ethical beliefs. And for the new vegan, or heck, even the not-yet-vegan who is well on their path and calls themselves an “animal lover,” this book could be a real eye-opener, and an accessible way to begin to eliminate cruelty from their lifestyle for good.”
—Our Hen House
“Takes knowing what animal products are in your food, supplements, cosmetics and even electronics to a new, transparent level, helping you navigate confusing labels.”
—Delicious Living
“Those new to a plant-based diet (and the Vegan Police) will be pleased with Veganissimo A to Z, a new guidebook with more than 2,500 detailed descriptions of animal, mineral, chemical and plant-based ingredients, along with their uses and alternative names to help readers quickly identify whether or not the long, confusing words on food packages indicate “vegan" or not. Veganissimo, which means 'as vegan as possible,' also includes extensive references, the best of which is a guide to the various 'certification' logos that appear on products and packaging.”
“If you believe you are what you eat, this book can be a big help.”
—The Providence Journal
“This book may leave you feeling uneasy, and even a little queasy, but on the brighter side, with this book in hand you’ll be better informed to shop smarter than ever.”