Several folks around here are big fans of pie. Me, I’m a cookie person (let’s just say I closely identify with Cookie Monster). And I’m a pi person. Try as I might, I can’t summon up a memory of when … Continue reading

Right, the 1st edition of The Essential Guide to Gay and Lesbian Weddings, published in 1994 by Harper San Francisco. Left, the recent 3rd edition of the book published in 2012 by The Experiment.

I was at the American Library Association’s annual meeting in Chicago this past weekend, so I missed NYC’s annual LGBT Pride Parade on Sunday. Had I been here in New York, I would have turned out for the parade, most especially to cheer and salute this year’s grand marshal, Edie Windsor, the plaintiff in United States v. Windsor. Last week, of course, ruling on that case, the United States Supreme Court struck down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act in a 5–4 decision, and in doing so legitimized the right to same-sex marriage, which (as of this moment) is legal in thirteen states and the District of Columbia. Continue reading